Pangolin partners with Autonomy Network to add automated transactions

Pangolin Exchange
2 min readOct 12, 2021


Pangolin is excited to announce a partnership with Autonomy Network. Autonomy Network is a platform to make dapps autonomous, allowing users to add conditional automation — for example with limit orders and IL protection to Decentralized Exchanges (DEXes).

Autonomy Network offers the following features: Automated Loss Prevention, Limit Orders, Impermanent Loss Protection, and Recurring Payments. Pangolin plans to leverage the Autonomy Network platform to bring these features directly into the Pangolin app itself. Users will be able to set limit orders and IL stop losses from Pangolin’s UI once the integration is complete. These advanced tools will allow users to be more precise on when they enter/exit trades and farming positions.

“We’re super excited to partner with Pangolin to bring advanced trading functionality and risk management to both users and traders! Pangolin has been on the cutting edge on Avalanche, pushing the boundaries and doing things nobody else has done before, such as now supporting stop losses and giving native impermanent loss prevention via Autonomy Network.”

— Quanta Fire, Autonomy Network Team

About Autonomy Network

The Autonomy Network is an off-the-shelf generalized automation solution. Powering the Web3 with on-chain conditional execution. A decentralized network built on users, executors and the blockchain.

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About Pangolin Exchange

Pangolin Exchange is a top decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Avalanche Network that provides the best DEX experience through deep liquidity, easy swaps, advanced tooling, and smooth onboarding. Pangolin brings you the best trading opportunities to find and maximize your yield.

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Pangolin Exchange

Pangolin is a multichain decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) on the Avalanche, Songbird, Flare, and Hedera Networks.