Transition of Management for Pangolin DEX

Pangolin Exchange
3 min readFeb 8, 2024



This proposal outlines the transition of management for Pangolin DEX to a new team.
Our aim is to enhance the platform’s growth, development, and community service through a dedicated and innovative approach.


1. Establish a more effective management structure to drive the development of Pangolin DEX.
2. Foster closer collaboration and communication with the community to better understand and meet user needs.
3. Enhance Pangolin DEX’s long-term sustainability and provide innovative solutions within the DeFi ecosystem.


✅ Within 45 Days:
1. Develop a new, fast and highly efficient UI/UX to improve user experience.
2. Implement urgent improvements based on feedback and internal assessments.
3. Introduce new pools and token listings on Pangolin, aligning with emerging trends.
4. Initiate regular community feedback sessions to gather input and address concerns.
✅ Within 90 Days:
1. Rebranding of Elixir concentrated liquidity to compete effectively with competitors.
2. Develop a system that allows for the simultaneous use of concentrated liquidity and a simple AMM model.
3. Engage with a PR agency to expand the Pangolin brand and reach a wider audience.
✅ Within 1 Year:
1. Introducing PangoVerse: the social media platform empowering PNG holders to shape the future of Pangolin DEX through idea sharing, interactive feedback, and community collaboration.
2. Expand partnerships and integrations with other projects to foster interoperability and ecosystem growth.
3. Attract more liquidity providers and traders to Pangolin DEX to increase liquidity depth.
4. Develop DeFi educational materials to empower users and enhance their understanding of the platform.

The New Management Candidate Team

The new management candidate team is recognized as one of the pioneering teams in launching the one of first DEXes on the Avalanche network.
Also they are the first team to collaborate with Chainlink on the Avalanche network.
Additionally, the first team on the Avalanche network to develop an interactive dApp using Chainlink data, exemplified by the betting application known as Avax Prediction.
Moreover, new management candidate team introduced and activated the first NFT staking feature on the Avalanche network.
New management candidate team comprises six highly experienced individuals, each with expertise in their respective fields.
They are currently capable of developing and launching projects from scratch in both the DeFi and Gaming sectors without the need for external assistance.
With the ability to write their own smart contracts from scratch without relying on copy-paste or forking, they also are poised to make a significant impact in the emerging world of web3.

The new management candidate team consists of the following members:

Some of the projects developed by the new management candidate team:


Canary DEX:

Boogey Birds NFT and Play2Earn Game:

AVAX Prediction:


Flareum DEX (a concentrated liquidity dex, uniswap v3 fork):

Requested 6 Month Budget

Development and Maintenance: Allocate funds for ongoing development and maintenance activities, including smart contract upgrades and platform enhancements.
Marketing and Partnerships: Set aside funds for marketing campaigns, partnership integrations, and promotional activities aimed at expanding the platform’s reach and user base.
Budget for engaging a PR agency to enhance brand visibility and public relations efforts.
Operational Costs: Budget for operational expenses including team salaries, legal fees, infrastructure maintenance, and administrative costs.
Market Maker Payments: Allocate funds for market maker payments.
Legal Consultancy: Allocate funds for legal consultancy services to ensure regulatory compliance and address legal matters related to the platform.
For all these expenses, we are requesting 3 million PNG to be used over the next 6 months.


We invite support for this proposal to advance Pangolin DEX and better address the community’s needs.
The newly formed management team is dedicated to fostering the growth and evolution of Pangolin DEX.




Pangolin Exchange

Pangolin is a multichain decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) on the Avalanche, Songbird, Flare, and Hedera Networks.